The Remote Viewing College
The Remote Viewing College (R.V.C) is an Online College for Remote Viewing. Every Autodidact can learn at our College how to Remote View in order to become a certified Remote Viewer.
We offer professional education materials, innovative software, teaching videos, personal coaching, as well as 24/7 support for Remote Viewing students. Our certified and experienced trainers and coaches use tried-and-tested teaching methods, so that every student can successfully complete their training to become a certified Remote Viewer.
Today the Remote Viewing College is your competent partner when it comes to Online Courses for Remote Viewer.
Services at the Remote Viewing College
The Remote Viewing College (R.V.C.) has clearly positioned itself on the market with comprehensive know-how, extensive services for Remote Viewer and online-course-competence in Remote Viewing.
Unique Selling Points of the Remote Viewing College
What are the differences between the Remote Viewing College and others? This worldwide comparison and quality check should give you a detailed overview.
Reputation is a question of credibility and trust. The following small selection of testimonials should give you an impression about us and our work.
„I chose the Remote Viewing School because Remote Viewing cannot be learned in a short seminar - especially not from a book! Since every person is different, he or she perceives information differently. That's why everyone needs a personal support to ensure that what they have learnt is correctly received. This excludes self-doubt from the outset. Here, however, one is accompanied by professionally trained monitors. Questions that arise during training are answered competently at all times.“
Andreas A.
„I am currently doing my apprenticeship and find it fascinating what is going on in my head! The intellect says: all nonsense, crap - at least at the beginning. Nevertheless I started my training and wanted to know exactly. Meanwhile the mind still doubts, despite successful research! But it becomes increasingly quieter the more often I hit the target.... fascinating.“
Goran M.
„I started the online course 9 months ago and have now reached my goal. I can only recommend it to anyone who can work independently.“
Andre Scheffler
„The opportunity to obtain such exclusive expertise through the Remote Viewing School is truly unique. Thank you very much for your support!“
Manuel Mokros
„Briefly emerged from reading the working manual, a spume of gratitude spraying for the scholarship received, I disappear again.“
Anna Ober
„Very interesting, easy understandable material to work on at your own pace - wonderful. Many thanks for the support of RVS.“
Xenia Gille
„I chose the online course because it includes everything I need to learn Remote Viewing. There is nothing comparable in the world that meets this high quality standard. Simple and thought through to the end.“
Hanna Geissler
„I love to learn self-taught. The possibility of an online course, the education in German and at a high level, ethical principles ... this offer of the Remote Viewing School is is truly a training-paradise for me!“
Beatrix Bishop